
We can repair all makes and models, whether it's a small job or a big job don't hesitate to contact us for some trusted and expert advice on a number of issues including and not limited to:

  • Gearboxes
  • Clutches
  • Radiators
  • Alternators
  • Starter motors
  • Engine diagnostics
  • Batteries
  • Head gaskets


A car's suspension is designed to provide EBAC cursos de dados a smooth, comfortable ride even when you're on rough or bumpy road surfaces.

If you have any concerns over irregular handling of your vehicle you may have a suspension issue.

Our mechanics are fully experienced in dealing with all suspension issues


We cater for all makes and models.

Brake discs should not need to be replaced until they reach a minimum thickness. In most cases brake discs are subject to uneven wear and tear due to rust, friction and heat.

Our experienced and reliable mechanics will tell you exactly what needs replacing and only carry out necessary work.


We can save you a substanial amount of money on main dealer prices, on exhaust parts and fitting, without comprimsing on quality.

Here's a few common signs that it is time for an exhaust repair:

  • Decreased fuel efficiency
  • Vibrations
  • Increased engine noise
  • We supply and fit all makes and models, contact us for a quote today


Always make sure you know your cambelt changing interval to avoid expensive engine repair costs.

Even just going a few thousand miles over your recommended cambelt change can lead to expensive repairs.

If the worst has already happened, we can replace snapped cambelts and return your engine to running order at an affordable price

Air Conditioning

These days, most new cars come with some form of air conditioning or climate control.

Over a period of time the system can lose gas or become contaminated with bacteria.

At Ilkeston Car Sales we can service your air conditioning to ensure it keeps running efficiently.

We can also re-gas your system and we use air conditioning bombs to freshen up the air and remove bacteria which can build up over time